Thursday, June 19, 2014

Despise Not the Small Things

I have been traveling to West Wendover, NV once a week on Wednesday nights for the past 4 months or so to assist a small church there.  The trip is about 2 hours each way--which provides for plenty of reflection time.

This church has struggled over the years and become a church of 5 members with a smattering of other people who consider it their church home.  Why in the world would I consider investing my time in such an isolated rural community?  The likelihood of 'success' (i.e., more numbers) is questionable--the lack of recognition and 'glory' is all but certain.  This church, this community certainly qualifies as 'a small thing.'

In Zechariah 4:10, we read, "Who despises the small things?"  Some thought the work on rebuilding the second temple was insignificant--especially when compared to the glory of the first temple.  But we are reminded in Zechariah that God is in the rebuilding business--and His idea of 'significance and success' is much different than the world's.

I began a new sermon series last week in which I mentioned that God's desire is to give us an abundant life (John 10:10) that meets the deepest God-placed longings of our heart.  One of those longings is the desire for true success--a success that matters for eternity.  A success that is often found in the 'small things' found in life.

Jesus did not despise the little things. He invested in the lives of only a few rather than trying to build a mega-congregation.  He didn't spend His time writing books that could sell millions--but hurried to see a sick little girl.  Small things...

- A small boy's lunch that displayed the wonderment and awe of God's power. 

- An interruption of His schedule to personally minister to a woman who had a debilitating issuance of blood for twelve years. 

- Breaking every standard of conduct and custom by asking for a drink of water from a Samaritan woman.

- Making sure His mother would be taken care of even as He was hanging on the cross.

I have been called to pastor a relatively small congregation in Elko, NV.  I am ministering to a much smaller congregation in West Wendover. Small things that will never make the cover story of Christianity Today.  Small things that Jesus cares about.  Small things that matter for eternity.

Do you have any small things in your life that you despise?  Small things that God desperately desires to reveal His power and glory in and through?  Small things that are really not small at all?

(If you want to be notified of future blog postings, friend me on Facebook 'John Schmidt'.  Also, my recent sermons in both an audio and video format can be found at




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